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... Lee Allen Nysted , co - author music ( intro . ) : Jeffrey Perraud . 2 D ... all . Catherine Howe . 3 p . O Jenny Music , Inc .: Peb75 : EU555348 ... children . w & Kyle David Jones . 1 p . Kyle Jones ; 14 Peb75 ; EU 555365 . BU555366 ...
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A personal history as well as a history of the U.S. from the 1950s to the present.
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This Easter Cantata contains 6 songs written by the author. The underlying message is about surrendering to God's mercy. God's mercy is shown in the Easter story by the crucifixion and resurrection of God's only Son, Jesus Christ.
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"This study will draw insights from cross-cultural comparisons of ancient love poetry and from research on oral poetic performative art still practiced by traditional cultures today.